Hello parents,
Your child has brought home a script from our play. It would be super helpful if they practiced the words they will be saying. During our assembly, I told the children it is
not important if they say their lines exactly how they are written. What is important, is that they know the animal they are talking to, and the idea of their script.
For example, Briauna needs to tell Geese winter is coming and that it is time to fly down south to warmer places. It does not matter if she says, "Hello Geese, winter is coming." or "Hey Geese soon it will be winter "or "Geese! Winter is on its way."
Right now, most children are reading their lines word for word. Practice you lines, but then take the script away and have them practice just saying it. You can start by giving key words.
ie. Geese . Winter . Fly . Work on SLOWING DOWN, stretching out key words, and adding expression. Some creatures say two things in a conversation. Have an adult/sibling practice being the other character to help your child know when they say their lines.
Talk about the ellipse ... these three (or more dots) mean to pause andto add expression to the words that follow.
We made headbands of our animals with our Buddies to wear. Kids could try to wear a plain colour that matches the colour of their animal. We discussed that no one needs to buy anything to wear. Our headbands do the job.