In science today, our student scientists examined a set of autumn leaves with magnifying glasses. The children compared leaves with each other and discussed how they were similar and different.
We composed a list to help us characterize our leaves by their attributes.
The children chose a leaf to sketch. We discussed looking carefully at the vein structure, the edges and the shape. The children started creating sentences about the attributes of their leaf.
If they wrote. "It is yellow." The attribute they are describing is its colour.
Please look at their leaf with them. Discuss what attributes you could write about. Add a few more sentences about the attributes of their leaf.
Look at their sketch. Talk about the features they "I see you made the edges bumpy just like on the leaf." Ask them if they want to add anymore details to their leaves.
READ TO SOMEBODY: We almost reached our goal for read to somebody today. Please look for a flashlight to bring to school on Friday as we only have to add 2 minutes to reach our goal of being on task for 20 minutes!
Don't forget that tomorrow is the Terry Fox Run!!!!
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