Thursday, February 7, 2019

States of Matter

This afternoon, students explored the different states of matter of water.  We started by reading the story Sadie and the Snowman.  In this story a young girl problem solves when warm weather melts her snowman.
 We also acted out being water molecules, with our carpet being our container.  We started, all connected, as a piece of ice.  Our bodies vibrated but we stayed connected where we were.  Next, we pretended that we were warmed by the sun.  We gain energy, spread out and moved faster but we stayed in the bottom of our container. Finally we imagined that we were heated up more until we evaporated into gas.  Now, we moved faster and spread out of our container to fill our whole room.  We watched a video that showed great examples of the different states of matter.
A great connection during these cold days, is the condensation (water) found on our windowsills in the morning.  The water vapour in our houses gets cooled from the cold penetrating our windows causing it condense and sometimes freeze on the inside of our house.  Have you seen that in your house?
We are continuing to learn new poems each month, to practice reading with fluency.  We love Maurice Sendack's Chicken Soup Series. 
On Friday, it is Look Alike or Twin Day.  Your child can dress like a friend.  Our class came up with some groups to join.  Some kids are going to dress up in their Martial Arts outfits, some kids are going to wear jerseys and others are going to join the school theme of red shirts and dark bottoms.

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