Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Classification and Treaty 7 Presentation

Image result for i am josephine and i am a living thing

Image result for i am josephine and i am a living thing

Today we looked at classifying things in our world.   We started by looking at the book I am Josephine.  It helped us understand the tricky concept that we can be in many groups and that groups can have sub-groups.  Josephine was a living thing, an animal, a mammal and a human!  This relates to how we have been exploring 2-D shapes....for a example a square can be a square, a rectangle, parallelogram, a quadrilateral and a closed shape (to name a few!) 
We first categorized "things" in Discovery Gardens into:
Living (trees, bugs, animals, humans) . and Non-living (fences, dirt, rocks, air)
Then we realized that these groups could be further grouped.  For example, the non-living things could be divided into man-made and natural things  
We divided the living things into plants and animals.
We also looked at some branching flowcharts that scientists use to show classifications.  Using this chart and a picture of creatures the class was able to determine that our next area in science this year is a group of animals called invertebrates.  People often call them creepy crawlies, critters, bugs.  We will discover that these creatures can be grouped due to their characteristics.  For example, a spider and a fly are both invertebrates but a spider is an arachnid and a fly is an insect. Now that spring is here, we will start exploring these creatures and that even through they are not quite as cute as bunnies and puppies, they are fascinating, beautiful and very helpful animals!  
We also were very fortunate to have Quest Theatre, do an interesting performance on the history of Treaty 7.   We also participated in a circle dance and song with all of division one!   

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