Friday, May 3, 2019

Seeing connections in our world

Today we took a more in-depth look at the interactions that happen in an ecosystem.  We watched a short video on Food Webs, which showed more complex connections between the components in our environment than food chains alone.  Next, we made a circle and each received a picture of an organism. We used yarn to demonstrate a connection.  It mostly showed prey-predator relationships but also showed habitat connections.  For example, Katie was a tree and Nowellia was lichen.  The lichen grows on the tree.  We showed if we removed an organism from the web the other members of the community were affected.  So if Katie Tree, was cut down that would affect Nowellia the lichen and Autumn the deer who ate the lichen and wolves who ate the deer.
Later, we went outside and showed good citizenship and helped our buddies clean up litter in our school grounds.  Kids connected that as members of our environment, it was important for us to help take care of it.  Mrs. Ross and I were very proud of the children's hard work.

The children also worked hard practicing for Music Monday.  Our class will be performing in the afternoon.  Look at the message yesterday for the details.

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