Now you are asking...why are you posting pictures of shoes. We used shoes as a metaphor for how choose "GOOD FIT" books. We learned we have different shoes for different purposes? I wouldn't wear cowboy boots to play tennis and I wouldn't wear my rainboots for a fancy dinner out. Similarly, we read books for different purposes. We read non-fiction books to learn information, Fly Guy for a laugh, and other books to go on adventures!
We each got a book bag and chose books that were at a good level for us and that we found interesting. Each day we will be learning skills, so that we can start our daily independent /guided reading program next week.
We worked on printing skills, using Montessori Insets to create designs. These insets help us trace, colour, shade, and create vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines. We also used white boards to practice forming letters. We are practicing letters in families of letters formed in a similar way. Today we did the "Downers". When creating all of these letters, you start at the top and go down, then hop back up and create horizontal lines from left to right. L. T, I, H, F, and E are all "Downers". Practicing this way will help us create "Muscle Memory".
In math, we made two I CAN statements today.
I can represent numbers in different ways. We used our math books to represent the number two through pictures, ten frames, equations and tally marks.
I can subitize numbers. We learned that subitizing, is when we can recall a number based on its pattern without having to count the number. This is a very important skill in grade one and two. (The patterns on a dice, help us subitize, so we don't have to count the dots). Today we used ten frame cards to help us subitize numbers in a game called "Line Them Up". Kids had to recognized the patterns and tell their partners how they knew their numbers. Example: "That is eight, because it is two less than ten", or "It is eight because I see 5 and 3 more".
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