Monday, November 12, 2018

Ozobots and Assessment

Today we had another opportunity to explore the Ozobots. Students are very excited to share what they have learned with these little robots - we can't wait to show you on Wednesday at our Celebration of Learning - 6:30 - 8:00pm

These are examples of the lines and code students have drawn with the markers.

As teachers, we are always thinking about assessment and reporting. For students, this a learning process. Today we talked about our report card and how we have a 4 level system. We talked about our accomplishments based on a 4-star system, which makes it more visual for most students. Today we created a rubric together to show the different stars of drawings - 1Star, 2Star, 3Star, and 4Star. Each student can assess their work against an exemplar and decide what they can do to improve their work. This is a great way for students to start taking responsibility for the work they produce. It also allows them to go back to their work and make improvements based on personal feedback and the posted rubric.

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