Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Measurement and more

It was exciting today to see how GIGANTIC our caterpillars are!  This had us think a little about how we describe size.  Usually we describe caterpillars as small creatures, they were just big in comparison to last week.  We have been working on using referents to help us describe size.  When we first got our caterpillars we decided they were as long as a pinky nail and as thick as a pipecleaner.  Today they were as long as a large paperclip or white eraser and were almost as thick as a pencil.   One was even attached to the top and make a j shape.  This is what they do right before forming their chrysalis.  We predict they will be in them by Friday.

During Montessori work period, some children begain comparing and order object labelling them with comparative words.  (Ex.  Weight:  heavier/lighter, width:  narrower/wider,   height:  taller/shorter). When done they are uploading an example to IRIS.

Lastly we read Judi Barnett's book:  Things that are the MOST.  Then we made our own pages for a class book.  We brainstormed adjectives (describing words):  spooky, cold, fast, soft, loud ...then thought of things that showed these descriptions.   The book is super silly, so we tried to be funny too.    If I choose loud,  I might think of something that is loud, doing something loud, while being somewhere loud.  For example,
The loudest thing in the world....... is an crow playing the drums at a construction site!


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