Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What to do during the summer?

The summer is a time to recharge, spend time outside and to special family outings.  Parents ask what they can do with their child over the summer to help them prepare for the next year. 

Here are some ideas: 

1.  Have great discussions!  Use your extra time to have detailed conversations about topics of interest.  Ask you child their opinion and get them to explain their thinking.  

2. Go to the zoo or the science centre.  You can even bring a journal to sketch and write about the things you see. 

3. Build something or bake something.  Get your child involved in a project.  Teach them how to use some tools and build something like a birdhouse.  Make some cookies for a neighbour/friend and talk about how you measure and follow instructions. 

4. Observe nature.  Go on a bug hunt or look at all the different kinds of plants you can find when out at a park or camping. 

5.  Read!  Read to your child and have your child read to you.  Choose a chapter book that is too hard for your child to read independently and read it to them.  Stop lots and make predictions, connections and ask questions.  Also have your child practise reading books that are just right for them.  The library is a great place to visit in the summer. 

6.  Play board games.  Monopoly junior, Mille Bourne, Guess Who, Snakes and Ladders.  Games teach kids to take turns, strategize and to add and count.   

Great for long car rides.......

7.  Practice counting forwards and backwards by 2s, 5s, 10s.  Count by 2s starting at 1.  Count by tens with different starting points. ex. 4, 14, 24, 34, 54...

8.  Practice mental math strategies for numbers to 18  
Doubles plus one
Make Ten facts (1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5...)
Adding 9 facts (9+6...give one to the 9 to make 10 to make 10+5=15)

9.  Play rhyming games

10. PLAY!!!!!!!

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