Friday, April 3, 2020

Weekly Learning Plan - April 6-9

Grade 1 and 2 Learning Tasks: Week: April 6th– 9th  
(Friday is Good Friday so we have not planned activities for this day.)

The days and activities are guidelines that you can follow if you’d like; however, each day choose as many or as few options as you have time for.

We will be providing lessons on the writing tasks on Monday and Wednesday during our 12pm meeting time online. Your child can work ahead if they chose; however, the lesson on Monday will be related to creating lists and the lesson on Wednesday will be about writing an imaginative narrative. Please ensure your child has their writing book, pencil, and eraser on Monday and Wednesday. 

On Tuesday and Thursday this week we will be working through some math lessons. Your child can have his/her math book, pencil and eraser prepared for these days between 12pm-1pm.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Students in both grade 1 and 2 have worked hard on developing their reading stamina.
They are able to independently read for 20 minutes every day. We call this Read to Self. They are also accustomed to reading to a partner for 20 minutes every day. We call this Read to Someone.
You can access Raz Kids (online books) to do these reading tasks or choose reading materials from around the house.
It is important that each student is spending some time everyday reading to themselves and to someone else (even if that someone else is a stuffy, as long as they are practicing reading aloud).
Your child will meet with his/her guided reading teacher online during his/her schedule time in the morning. The guided reading teacher may assign reading tasks for him/her to complete.
Word Work/ Spelling
Copy words in a list and then write them in alphabetical order.
Grey Group: made, over, down, did, only

Blue Group: good, new write, our, me

Green Group: put, different, between, name, should

Yellow Group: brain, snail, bait, braid, train
Write the words in word stairs

Example of stairs:
Write each word in a sentence.

Challenge: how many of your word work words can you write in one sentence? Remember: your sentence must make sense!
Choose one way to make your five words of the week:
-  Find a stick and write the words in the mud or dirt
-  Gather sand or shaving cream or sugar/jello packets and use your finger to write the words
-  Use plasticine/playdoh to write the words (with your finger or a toothpick or a stick) or shape playdough into letters to form the words
-  Using magnetic letter, plastic letters, foam leters, create your words
Brainstorm a list of things to do around the house and/or outside. Create list of these things (add drawings to the list).
This weekend some people may be celebrating Easter. Eggs are often used in Easter celebrations. Many animals come from eggs (turtles, birds, fish). Imagine you found an egg with something special inside. What does your egg look like? What comes out of your egg? You can use your imagination to create whatever you like.

Math Game: Double Dog Dare

See separate blog post for instructions on how to play this addition math game.

Math Game: I spy

See separate blog post for instructions on how to play this addition math game.

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