Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Make Ten Facts

Today we learned a math game to practice our "Make Ten Facts". 

It is our goal to be able to solve our basic facts using MENTAL MATH STRATEGIES. 

Basic Facts are our adding and subtracting facts adding two numbers (addends) to a sum of 18. 

The children will learn strategies to help them solve these facts.  Some strategies work better for different facts. 

When seeing the fact 1+9=_____, if would be super inefficient to count one then add on 9.  It would also take a long time and be prone to counting errors. 

When a student sees this question they need to decide which strategy would work best.

They might flip the addends to make 9+1=___, then say 9 and add on one more (as it can be efficient to add on one or two). 

Today we learned about Make Ten Facts.  These are addends that go together to make 10.  Today kids would see 9 and know that it needs 1 more to make 10.

The kids have used the TEN FRAME cards to play many number recognition games.  They should be able to SUBITIZE numbers 1-10.  Ex. 9 is 1 less than 10,  7 is 5 and 2.

These cards help the children see how the numbers "fit together" to make ten. 

Make Ten Facts: 
10+0,   9+1,   8+2,   7+3,   6+4,   5+5

Our solitaire game looked like this:
Have your child explain how they played the game.   You could play it with regular playing cards as well.

Today in Social Studies, we read a story called Franklin's Baby Sister.  It helped us talk about changes in our lives.
Franklin's Baby Sister: Before/After chart:

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