Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Happy Divali!!!

Happy Divali,

We started our day by looking at a non-fiction book about Divali.  3 students in our class celebrate Divali. We learned many of the customs practiced during this celebration are very familiar to all the students and they are similar to other celebrations.  Ex. Eating special food with family, dressing up, receiving presents, lighting candles and decorating our homes and communities.  There were several Hindi words in the book, so the Glossary found at the back helped us with some specialized words like diya (or divas): meaning small oil lamp or candle used at Divali.

Today we kicked off our study of patterns by looking at beautiful Rangolis.  These beautiful symmetrical pictures are created with coloured sand or rice in entrance ways to welcome visitors during Divali!  After reviewing some AB, ABB, ABC, AABB patterns we looked at these complex designs for the patterns they contain.  We even watched some videos showing the artists at work. 

During last period, children worked on creating their own Rangolis in four different ways.  We coloured templates, used a dot matrix to draw our own, used pattern block and we even tried using sand!  The sand was super tricky.  It gave us appreciation for how intricate the sand Rangolis we looked at are!

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