Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Robotics Today

This morning we read part of a non-fiction book on Remembrance Day and talked about why people wear the symbol of a poppy during this time.  We looked carefully at images of famous artist Georgia O'Keeffe's work and at real photographs of poppies.  We discussed the techniques that O'Keeffe uses to make her pictures unique.  The student used oil pastel and paint to create an O'Keeffe styled poppy.  They also used colour theory, like adding water and little paint to make light shades of red and used little water and lots of paint to make darker shades of red.  Students also applied complimentary colours to help our poppies pop off our pages.   Ask your child about the techniques they applied.

After recess, we learned how to use our Ozobots.  These cute little robots use colours and light sensors on their bottoms to follow coded pathways.  You will get a chance to see these in action at our Celebration of Learning next Wednesday night.

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